Verint Agent Copilot Bots

Double your contact center agent capacity with Verint’s AI-powered bots.

Each of the Agent Copilot bots shaves seconds off your interaction times, adding up to a significant increase in capacity. What could your contact center do with extra capacity?

Artificial Intelligence icon

AI Business Outcomes from Verint Customers

  • $9M Saved

    A UK bank saved nine million dollars by giving their agents faster answers.

  • $5M Saved

    A large bank reduced call duration by 20 seconds by providing agents real-time coaching, saving 5 million dollars in agent capacity.

What are Verint Agent Copilot Bots?

Verint Agent Copilot leverages multiple AI-powered bots, all accessible through a single user interface, to drive a quantum leap forward in agent capacity. Each perform a different task to augment your human agents. Whether you’re looking to increase sales, reduce after call work, or shorten the time agents spend looking for information, we’ve got a bot for that.

Each bot shaves seconds off your interaction times, adding up to a significant increase in capacity. With that extra capacity you could increase sales, elevate your customer experience, or add new channels.

Learn more about our bots
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Verint Agent Copilot Bots deliver AI outcomes to increase capacity

You can dramatically increase agent capacity with Verint. How do we know? Because we’ve already done it for leading brands like yours. Verint delivers Real AI Business Outcomes, not AI hype.

  • A UK bank saved nine million dollars by giving their agents faster answers.
  • A major US healthcare company cut over 30 seconds from every call by reducing wrap up work
  • A large bank reduced call duration by 20 seconds by providing agents real-time coaching, saving 5 million dollars in agent capacity

Are you ready to double your agent capacity?

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ai-powered bots and agents

Double agent capacity with Verint Agent Copilot Bots

Four bots reduce average call duration from 6 minutes to 3 minutes

Four Bots Reduce Average Call Duration From 6 Minutes to 3 Minutes

Tailor your Agent Copilot Bots for your business priorities

Unlike other copilot products, you can choose which bots you need, and which agents need them. This gives you a tailored solution that maximizes the business outcomes you’ll see.

Bots are easy to add, so you can start seeing AI business outcomes now, and expand over time. In most cases you can start seeing results from a bot in just 60 days!

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Meet the Agent Copilot Bots

Coaching Bot

You need each of your agents to perform like your very best agents. With Verint Coaching Bot your agents receive in-the-moment non-disruptive guidance when they need it — elevating their performance and delivering significant ROI.

Verint Coaching Bots provide the assistance your agents need, in real-time and based on your business priorities, so you can:

  • Reduce call duration
  • Increase sales conversions
  • Increase customer retention

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Interaction Wrap Up Bot

Verint Interaction Wrap Up Bot uses generative AI to automatically craft a call summary at the conclusion of an interaction, dramatically reducing after-call work. By removing the time agents spend manually summarizing a call, organizations can save millions on their bottom line. Plus, summaries are more accurate and consistent across your contact center.

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Intelligent Virtual Assistant

Verint Intelligent Virtual Assistant, powered by the Voice and Digital Containment Bots, help reduce inbound interaction volume while improving CSAT by using AI to efficiently automate conversations with customers across digital and voice channels. With these bots, brands can provide personalized self-service experiences so they can resolve customer queries and provide the necessary context to shorten interactions that do need to be escalated to a live agent.

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Verint Intelligent Virtual Assistant

Knowledge Automation Bot

Verint Knowledge Automation Bot uses the power of AI to deliver the right knowledge at the right time to increase agent capacity and drive business outcomes. A single search bar allows for search across all knowledge sources, eliminating the need for multiples searches. The Bot then uses Generative AI to summarize search results into a single answer that is specially curated for the contact center — making answers easy for agents to consume.

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