Five Minutes With . . . Verint’s Paul Whelan

Lily Cleary August 26, 2024

In the ‘Five Minutes With...’ series, we will be asking a wide range of our Verinteers the same six questions. This allows us to hear new ideas, share fresh perspectives, and showcase the talent that exists within our company.

First up, Paul Whelan!


Name: Paul Whelan

What is your job title: Director, Customer Insights

Paul Whelan blog featured image

Please describe what you do day-to-day in one sentence (your description can be as serious, or as fun, as you’d like).       

Data detective: uncover valuable insights, understand customers, optimize operations, measure performance, and drive data-driven decision-making.

Name a distinct moment in your career that has had a significant impact on you. Why was it impactful?

I proposed and led the creation of an LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group at Verint. This ERG provides a safe space for LGBTQ+ employees and allies to connect, share experiences, and influence company policies. It educates the workforce on LGBTQ+ issues, advises leadership on inclusive practices, and supports recruitment efforts. The group has grown significantly, becoming a model for diversity initiatives and fostering a more inclusive work environment for all Verinteers.

What would you tell your past self on your first day at Verint, considering your current experience and perspective?

Looking back, what a ride! I used to preach “evolve or dissolve” like a broken record. Turns out, life’s one big adaptability game. It’s like surfing an endless wave—learn to ride or get a mouthful of salt water!

I’ve been rolling with the punches, growing wiser, and keeping on truckin’. Embracing change? It’s a wild adventure, like a real-life video game where you’re always leveling up. From novice to pro, just like that! Here’s to more years of shapeshifting through life’s obstacle course!

How do you navigate change when working in an industry where technological advancements are constant?

Change is that surprise party guest who always crashes—might as well welcome it with a grin! Instead of locking the door, fling it open and see what wild ideas dance in. Embracing the future is like trying on a funky hat—weird at first, but soon you’re strutting your stuff. Don’t be the stick-in-the-mud who’s allergic to newness. Dive into change headfirst—cannonball style! Life’s too short for the same old routine. So buckle up, buttercup, and enjoy the ride!

Tell us about one of the role models that has contributed to your success and why.       

Stewart Givens, my mentor, was a master of calm in chaos. He had a knack for seeing the big picture, like a human drone giving a bird’s eye view of life’s maze. Stewart taught me to build mental bridges over rivers of change, making the unpredictable navigable.

His cool head was contagious, teaching me to breathe deep and find solutions when everything shifted. Thanks to him, I learned to thrive amid constant change, turning confusion into clear paths forward.

Your team was just given a TV show! What’s the title? Bonus point for the genre.

Weird Science – reality TV