Cognizant Elevates Customer Experience for One of the World’s Largest Athletic Footwear and Apparel Brands

Best-of-breed Verint Open CCaaS solutions empower leading IT consultancy and outsourcer with CX automation to optimize the brand’s customer interactions, improve operational efficiency, and elevate the standards of quality and compliance.

The results

  • 15%

    Improved average handle time by 15%.

  • 10%+

    Reduced disconnected calls by 10% and short calls by 13%.

  • $50,000

    Saved $50,000 within first three months alone by reducing short calls.

About Cognizant

Cognizant is at the forefront of transforming businesses by modernizing technology, reimagining processes, and enhancing customer experiences. With a massive workforce of more than 345,000 employees, Cognizant is a global leader in helping clients navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the business world.

cognizant logo


Testament to this was Cognizant’s remarkable collaboration with one of the world’s leading athletic footwear and apparel companies. The objective of the project was to streamline the process of handling customer interactions, including reducing the quality assurance (QA) required to audit the interactions for quality and compliance. This posed an exciting opportunity for improvement, as Cognizant had previously relied on manual audits of a small fraction of overall interactions given an absence of analytics solutions for this pivotal aspect of customer service.

Recognizing the potential, Cognizant turned to Verint Open CCaaS Platform for best-of-breed CX automation solutions, implementing Verint Speech Analytics and Verint Quality Bots*. Verint Speech Analytics delivers actionable insights to enhance agent performance, operational efficiency, and customer insights. Verint Quality Bots provides automated scoring of up to 100 percent of customer interactions, with much faster insights, objectivity, and consistency compared to traditional quality management techniques, and at significantly lower cost. In addition, part of Verint Open Platform, the solutions seamlessly integrated with Cognizant’s existing enterprise ecosystem, minimizing disruption to daily operations.

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The global leader in athletic footwear and apparel faced significant challenges in its customer interactions. The company’s focus was on tackling two primary issues: long wait times and frustrating “ghost disconnected calls,” along with brief calls that didn’t align with compliance standards.

To help surmount the global athletic footwear and apparel leader’s hurdles, Cognizant put Verint Speech Analytics and Verint Quality Bots to work. Verint Speech Analytics introduced a sophisticated solution capable of automatically identifying emerging trends and areas of opportunity from millions of recorded customer interactions. Verint Quality Bots further streamlined the entire QA process across multiple languages, adding automation to what had been an extensively manual QA methodology.

Verint played a pivotal role in the problem-solving process by collaborating with Cognizant’s team of domain experts to construct industry-specific use cases. The partnership between Verint and Cognizant’s analysts proved to be essential in realizing the full potential of Verint’s data-driven, bot-powered engagement solutions within a remarkably short period.

Overall, Verint Open Platform and best-of-breed solutions, combined with Cognizant’s expertise and partnership with the athletic footwear and apparel leader, helped resolve the brand’s critical issues and elevated the efficiency and quality of its customer interactions.


“Our collaboration with Verint yielded remarkable advantages for our client,” says Mani Sareen, Interaction Analytics Head at Cognizant. “Using Verint Speech Analytics in particular, we effectively tackled the challenges of disconnected calls, short calls, and more.”

Specifically, Cognizant leveraged Verint Speech Analytics’ data and insights gained through a disconnecting call study and analysis. By pinpointing crucial phrases like “This is the third time I am calling” and “I couldn’t hear you the last time,” the leading IT consultancy and outsourcer achieved an impressive 10 percent reduction in “ghost disconnected calls” within three months for the athletic footwear and apparel company.

As for short calls (less than 30 seconds), Cognizant uncovered that these stemmed from advisors deviating from scripts and compliance guidelines. In turn, using Verint Speech Analytics to establish time-bound categories for opening and closing procedures, Cognizant was able to drive a significant 13 percent reduction in short calls for its client. This comprehensive solution extended to over 300 agents globally, covering both Mandarin and English analysis.

“Using Verint Open CCaaS solutions, the outcomes were substantial,” Sareen continues. In addition to the improvements around disconnected and short calls, we also decreased average handle time from 13 to 11 minutes for our client. That’s an impressive 15 percent improvement.”

The results also translated to cost savings. For example, the leading athletic footwear and apparel brand realized $50,000 in savings within the first three months alone from the reduction in short calls. Further, saving two minutes per customer interaction contributed to heightened operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

“The tangible results are a direct reflection of our success in optimizing our client’s customer interactions and Verint played a big role in making this a reality,” Sareen concludes. “By driving improved operational efficiency and elevating the standards of quality and compliance, we have, undoubtedly, contributed to the brand’s sustained success within a highly competitive market.”


*Note: Verint Quality Bots were formerly known as Verint Automated Quality Management.

Featured Verint solutions

  • Verint Open Platform

    Leverage an open platform powered by data, AI and bots to drive CX Automation.
  • Speech Analytics

    Verint is proud to offer the most-used and highest-rated speech analytics software on the market. Learn how to get more insights out of every interaction.
  • Verint Quality Bots

    Verint offers a range of AI-powered, specialized quality bots that can help you improve service quality, customer experience, and agent performance while mitigating compliance risks.

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