DenizBank Employs Total Quality Approach to Drive Improved Outcomes in Real Time

The results

  • 30%

    Increased quality and compliance scores by 30%

  • 15%

    Boosted sales by 15% through increased cross-sell and up-sell opportunities

  • 10%

    Reduced employee turnover by 10%


DenizBank is one of the largest private banks in Turkey. Based in Istanbul, DenizBank has been in business more than 25 years, serving 15+ million customers across 712 branches and 12,000 employees.

Customers have come to expect convenient self-service with the same personalized experience that banks have traditionally provided in branches. DenizBank depends on modern contact center technology from Verint® to empower its agent workforce and ensure each customer gets the best experience possible.

Opportunity: Deliver a broad range of contact center services

When the pandemic shutdowns began in 2020, DenizBank needed to quickly reskill and upskill its employees to deliver digital-first and first-rate experiences to customers, all while staff worked remotely.

DenizBank’s rapid transition to work-from-home represented a critical milestone in its partnership with Verint. “Verint helped us change how we work and engage with our employees in a remote working environment,” explains Altuğ Merhap, Director at DenizBank. “This was particularly important as we nearly doubled our contact center seat capacity during the pandemic.”

With Verint solutions at the core, DenizBank has put in place a total quality approach to deliver a broad range of contact center services. This includes customer care, telemarketing, remote portfolio management, customer retention, collections, and investment transaction services.

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Solution: Reduce costs through Verint’s open cloud platform

DenizBank’s journey began with a successful Verint Speech Analytics deployment. Key here was Verint’s sentiment analysis report, which helped the bank best understand both customer sentiment and needs. This was followed by the rollout of Verint Automated Quality Management and, most recently, the addition of Verint Coaching Bots *  and Verint Passive Voice Biometrics to help further improve customer experience and reduce fraud.

As DenizBank shifted to a remote workforce, real-time assistance for its agents became more critical. “We are leveraging Verint Automated Quality Management and Verint Coaching Bots to create super agents,” says Merhap. “For example, automated agent notifications via a unified work assist application help empower agents to guide calls to better outcomes.”

Merhap continues, “As the pace of change accelerates, we continue to work on maximizing agent performance and creating satisfied customers while, at the same time, reducing costs through Verint’s open cloud platform and its core contact center applications.”

speech analytics screenshot pattern

Benefits: Unlock boundless possibilities within contact center operations

Verint Da Vinci™ AI and Analytics-powered solutions help DenizBank unlock boundless possibilities within its contact center operations, elevating AI across Verint Customer Engagement Cloud Platform into insights and actions. The bank has optimized personalized customer engagement, improved quality and sales performance, reduced employee turnover, and enhanced compliance and fraud prevention.

Using Verint Speech Analytics, DenizBank has attained category accuracy of more than 95 percent. This has aided its understanding of the root causes of customer calls and inquiries. As a result, it can more quickly anticipate and respond to customer needs and issues, contact center capacity requirements, training opportunities to expand agent skill sets, and more.

The bank adopted and implemented sentiment analysis tools from the Verint Marketplace to help it more effectively identify customer emotion and intent, with this data used to formulate and prompt the next-best action in support of the customer journey.

Previously, DenizBank evaluated less than one percent of customer interactions. Using Verint Automated Quality Management, the bank now captures and scores 100 percent of calls. Subsequently, quality and compliance scores have risen by 30 percent. Beyond improved quality, the risk of misconduct and operational losses related to mandatory regulatory disclosures have been mitigated.

Supercharge performance thanks to Verint Real-Time Agent Assist

When it comes to sales, DenizBank is supercharging performance thanks to Verint Coaching Bots, taking advantage of the market-leading solution to increase cross-sell and up-sell opportunities. The solution enables DenizBank to identify customer objection points via defined rules-based terminology and guides agents in best-practice objection handling. Within the first three months of use, the bank was able to increase the number of sales offers extended to customers by 10 percent, which led to a 15 percent boost in the sale of insurance products. At the same time, the bank saw a 10 percent reduction in employee turnover due to a heightened ability to coach and train agents in a timelier manner.

DenizBank also uses Verint Passive Voice Biometrics to guard against fraudulent calls while keeping the customer experience smooth and frictionless. Historically, DenizBank provided one fraudster call record to be observed among two million calls and had expectations to only detect 15 known cases. Today, with the Verint solution, it detects a great magnitude more — fortifying its security measures, elevating customer satisfaction, and streamlining employee engagement.

The bank’s success has not gone unnoticed. For its customer engagement innovation and results, DenizBank was presented with “Innovation Customer of The Year” honors by the Verint APAC team at Verint Engage 2022 in Orlando, Florida.

*Note: Verint Coaching Bots were formerly known as Verint Real-Time Agent Assist

Woman talking on phone while traveling

Featured Verint Solutions

  • Speech Analytics

    Learn how to get more insights out of every interaction.
  • Verint Coaching Bots

    With Verint Coaching Bots your agents receive in-the-moment non-disruptive guidance when they need it — elevating their performance and delivering significant ROI.
  • Automated Quality Management

    Increase the efficiency of contact center quality and compliance workflows

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