How automation inspired Freshly’s rethink of CX delivery in 2021


teal element pattern
  • 50%

    Conversation Containment

  • 80%

    Increased Efficiency

  • 48%

    Decreased Cost-Per-Contact

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  • The Brand

    The Brand:

    Freshly is a weekly subscription service delivering fresh, not frozen, chef-cooked meals that can be heated and served in just 3 minutes. All their customers need is a microwave, a fork, and it’s a one way trip to flavor town for lunch or dinner.

  • The Challenge

    The Challenge:

    When Covid started to shut down the world in March 2020, like many brands Freshly saw a spike in incoming conversations. It’s easy to understand why – with people forced to spend more time at home, needing to produce three daily meals from their own kitchen – help would be nice. A solution was required to avoid overstretching their agents and not losing valuable new customers.

  • The Solution

    The Solution:

    As the continuous messaging volume soared in 2020 through the success of social ad campaigns and the global pandemic, Conversocial, A Verint Company, worked with the Freshly’s team to develop an automated flow to address their highest volume intents. The objective was to handle recurring questions, enabling customers to self-serve and leverage agents for more complex requests.

The success of Freshly’s initial automation – 50% of conversations resolved in-channel with no need for human intervention – fueled Freshly’s objective to go further with automation in 2021

The Business Impact:

  1. Effective Automation: 50% of conversations were handled in-channel through automation without the need for human agent intervention.
  2. Increased Efficiency: Average first response time was cut by 80% – from 30 minutes to just six in 2020. Additionally, messaging agents can handle 20 conversations per hour (5 simultaneously), compared to a phone agent who can handle approximately 9 conversations per hour (1 at a time).
  3. Decreased Cost-Per-Contact: Facebook Messenger is 48% more cost-effective for Freshly than live-chat. The cost-per-contact on Facebook Messenger is $0.84 compared to $1.24 on live-chat. This has resulted in Freshly promoting Messenger within live-chat sessions as a preferred contact channel.

How Freshly is Scaling Automation in its CX Strategy

Freshly is looking to transform how it provides customer experiences across the entire lifecycle, leading to increased retention and lifetime value (LTV) while reducing customer acquisition costs across the business leveraging messaging channels.

The Recipe For Future Success

Freshly is keen to work with Conversocial, A Verint Company, to expand use cases across their operation in 2021. It boils down initially to 3 key ingredients that will make up the roll out across their customer care, marketing, and engagement operations:


1. Messaging Channel Assessment:

  • Analyze which channels are the most efficient and have the best uptake from customers and then go deeper on those channels.
  • Continue leveraging data to expose the most valuable conversations and understand which have the best impact on customer LTV.
  • Increase efficiency by exploring being on select channels vs every channel. It’s about being on the right channels, which have the most impact.

2. Automation:

  • Scale automation for Freshly’s messaging strategy – expanding the capabilities of the bots across channels such as Facebook Messenger, Google’s Business Messages, and Apple Messages for Business.
  • Empowering customers with more chances to self-serve using NLU (natural language understanding) with no predefined path, making it more flexible and providing more personalized experiences.
  • Engaging teams across Freshly’s business to implement new customer experience strategies. Firstly by partnering with marketing to explore building unique customer experiences that promote the brand through Click-to-Messenger adverts.
  • Using proactive messaging to offer personalized experiences at scale. Based on previous intents, using Notify functionality that enables two-way communication via messaging channels, Freshly could reach out to customers with offers, cart-reminders, or potential promotional discounts.


  • Leverage Conversocial, A Verint Company,  API integration with Zendesk to give Freshly a 360 view of their customers by aggregating data across both systems.
  • Utilize data sharing between platforms to better understand and implement the voice of the customer in business decision making.

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