Tryg Boosts High-Performance Customer Culture with Verint Speech Analytics

Tryg is one of the largest non-life insurance companies in the Nordic region.


The results

  • Increases agent productivity

  • Ensures every customer receives a consistently rewarding experience

  • Enhances agent experience and satisfaction

About Tryg

Tryg is one of the largest non-life insurance companies in the Nordic region. In Denmark and Norway, the organization ranks first and third, respectively. In Sweden, it is the fifth largest non-life insurer. Trygā€™s 7000 employees help create security and value for 5.7 million customers, managing more than one million claims annually in the Nordic region.

Tryg is building for the future with Verint. Three key factors keep the organization ahead: operational efficiency, customer experience, and a rich portfolio of services. In 2020, Tryg standardized on Verint Speech AnalyticsĀ within Tryg Privat to gain critical insights from customer conversations. Analysis across 146 call categories, spanning 97 percent of customer conversations, helps turn insights into real-time action.

ā€œWe use Verint Speech Analytics on more than 1 million recorded conversations across our 350 agents,ā€ says Ditte GjĆørup Larsen, Speech Analyst at Tryg Privat. ā€œWe use the resulting data and analysis to better understand customer satisfaction, churn, competitive intelligence, service issues, agent performance, and campaign effectiveness.ā€


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Identify behaviors that drive the perfect experience with Verint Speech Analytics

The Tryg Privat team is particularly interested in exploring performance, quality, and process improvement insights to optimize the customer experience. ā€œOne of the things weā€™ve gained more precise insight into is why customers are contacting us,ā€ Ditte GjĆørup Larsen adds. ā€œWe also have greater knowledge around insurance customersā€™ needs, consumption, motivation, and behavior. We use that knowledge for many purposes, for example, to innovate new products and features that enhance both the customer and employee experience.ā€

For example, Tryg Privat analyzes ā€œsatisfaction with contact,ā€ whereby customers answer questions, scoring them on a scale of one to five. ā€œBy taking segments of conversations rated between one and five across the entire category set up, we compare calls resulting in the different scores, and thereby understand, what drives the score,ā€ explains Ditte GjĆørup Larsen. ā€œLow-scoring conversations often feature long silences, holds, and more transfers, which indicates a lack of competence for us to act upon. By using Verint Speech Analytics to analyze agent and customer dialog, we identify behaviors that drive the perfect experience.ā€

Verint Speech Analytics also enables Tryg Privat to effectively support campaign planning, tracking, and performance. With the Verint solution, the organization can identify the reasons why customers contact the organization and, in turn, create campaigns based around their needs. ā€œWe might find that customers talk quite a bit about insurance pricing,ā€ notes Maiken StĆøvring, Partner Manager at Tryg. ā€œSubsequently, we can develop a campaign geared to pricing alerts.ā€

Verint Speech Analytics helps drive improved sales performance

Benefits Crucially, Verint Speech Analytics helps Tryg Privat drive improved sales performance. ā€œBy analyzing top performing employees in terms of sales, we gain insight into what makes them stand out,ā€ says Ditte GjĆørup Larsen. ā€œWhat interpersonal skills do they have and what behaviors are they using that help them drive more revenue?ā€ Furthermore, Tryg Privat can measure how often a specific insurance product is mentioned by agents in customer conversations. With this insight and subsequent coaching to address gaps and shortfalls, the company increased the promotion of health insurance products by 37 percent in one year.

This data is funnelled into improved coaching and continuous improvement programs. For instance, Tryg Privat has a ā€œgo highā€ program for employees demonstrating certain potential. Additionally, exceptional achievers are offered ā€œhigh performanceā€ insight and training to help them accelerate to the next level and keep them motivated. Over time, the broader team sees how peers receiving the special training are progressing. At the same time, it enables them to explore their performance against each other in certain categories. As a result of these programs and efforts, Tryg Privat increased the number of insurance sales in its claims department by 6.4 percent.

ā€œUsing Verint Speech Analytics, we can truly understand which employees have high development potential when it comes to being more empathetic and more understanding during the customer conversation,ā€ declares Ditte GjĆørup Larsen. ā€œMoreover, we can see where employees had positive developments in their uncertainty in conversations, with a reduction in the number of subsequent referrals.ā€


According to Ditte GjĆørup Larsen, employees can also be paired based on performance. ā€œOften, we see an employee strong in one area and weak in another. We can then team that employee with a colleague who is strong in the employeeā€™s area of weakness to help improve overall performance.ā€

Axcess Nordic, a leading Nordics customer experience consultancy, has been a valuable support to Tryg Privat when masterminding its modern, intelligent speech analytics strategy. ā€œAxcess Nordic brings experience, skills, and professionalism to our Verint deployment,ā€ states Ditte GjĆørup Larsen. ā€œThey are consistently on hand to support our technical needs, strategy and goals.ā€

With the exceptional results achieved to date, Verint Speech Analytics continues to be a catalyst for innovation at the organization. ā€œIf customers begin talking about new topics, such as the pandemic or cost of living crisis, we build categories around those topics in Verint Speech Analytics to help us further understand and enhance the customer experience,ā€ Ditte GjĆørup Larsen concludes. ā€œWe never stop innovating at Tryg.ā€

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