Verint TimeFlex Bot Provides an Unprecedented Level of Schedule Flexibility for Telco Company’s Employees

A leading telecommunications company improved employee satisfaction, reduced planned and unplanned absenteeism, and increased schedule efficiency with the AI-powered Verint TimeFlex Bot.


  • 24%

    Improved month-to-month attrition by 24%.

  • 24.1%

    Reduced monthly unplanned absences by 24.1%.

  • 4.5%

    Improved schedule efficiency by 4.5%.

leading telecommunications company logo

Featured Verint solutions

  • Verint TimeFlex Bot

    Your employees demand more work/life balance. With TimeFlex, AI empowers agents to make unlimited schedule changes.
  • Workforce Management Solutions & WFM Software

    Powerful workforce management software improves both the customer and the employee experience while helping your organization achieve its goals.

Read more customer case studies