Geistiges Eigentum
Updated October 22nd, 2024
Click here to view a list of Verint’s trademarks and registered trademarks in the United States and/or certain other countries. This list is updated periodically and cannot be considered all-inclusive. To the extent a name or logo does not appear on this list does not constitute a waiver of any and all intellectual property rights that Verint Systems or its subsidiaries has established in any of its product, feature, or service names or logos.
Trademark Usage Guidelines
Place the registered trademark symbol ® or trademark symbol ™ in a superscripted font immediately after the first use of the trademarked term in body copy. Avoid inserting Verint trademarks into headers unless the trademarked term is used nowhere else. Once a trademark symbol has been applied to a Verint product name or term, there is no need to continue to show a trademark with that term in the document. For example:
First Use | Subsequent Use |
Verint® | Verint |
Verint® Messaging™ | Verint Messaging |
Verint® Case Management Professional™ | Verint Case Management Professional |
Verint® Video Inspector™ | Verint Video Inspector |
General Guidelines
- Do not incorporate Verint trademarks into your trade names, product names, service names, trademarks, or logos, and do not adopt or use any trade name, trademark, service mark, or trade dress that is likely to be confused with, or to dilute, any of the Verint trademarks.
- Do not use Verint trademarks in combination with other words, trademarks, service marks, logos, or trade names.
- Do not use Verint trademarks in conjunction with the trademarks, service marks, logos, or trade names of other third parties.
- Do not use Verint trademarks on any products or services unless subject to the terms of a licensing agreement and approved in advance and in writing by Verint.
- Do not use any Verint trademarks in association with any business, goods, or services other than goods and services from Verint.
- Do not use Verint trademarks, or confusingly similar versions of the trademarks, in a domain name.
- Do not apply to register or otherwise attempt to own any Verint trademarks.
- Do not sublicense or otherwise permit any third party to use any Verint trademarks without the prior written approval of Verint.
- Use Verint trademarks exactly as supplied by Verint, without any alteration or modification to the design, words, colors, and/or proportions.
- Do not vary any Verint trademark by abbreviating it or changing its spelling.
- Do not blur, distort, alter, remove, or otherwise change Verint trademarks as included on Verint products or services.
- Do not use Verint trademarks, or confusingly similar versions of the trademarks, in any manner that diminishes or damages Verint’s goodwill in Verint trademarks.
- Certain Verint products and/or services may include trademarks, service marks, logos, or trade names of third parties. You may not use any such third-party materials without their express permission.
- Always use the appropriate symbol (® or ™) in connection with all Verint trademarks. Follow the instructions shown in the “Trademark Usage” paragraph above.
- In addition to the appropriate trademark symbols, all materials must contain the following trademark attribution statement. “[Trademark] is a trademark and/or registered trademark of Verint Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries.”
- Do not shorten, abbreviate, or create acronyms for Verint trademarks.
Correct Example: This product works with Verint Desktop and Process Analytics.
Incorrect Example: This product works with Verint DPA.
- Do not hyphenate or split Verint trademarks on separate lines of copy.
- Do not use Verint trademarks in plural or possessive form. They should be introduced as a proper adjective followed by an appropriate descriptor.
Correct Example: Scheduling capabilities within Verint Workforce Management replace the use of spreadsheets for scheduling staff.
Incorrect Example: Verint Workforce Management’s scheduling capabilities replace the use of spreadsheets for scheduling staff.
Trademark Notices
Include an attribution of Verint ownership of the trademark(s) within the credit notice section of your documentation or advertisement.
Follow this format for registered trademarks:
Verint is a registered trademark of Verint Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries.
Follow this format for unregistered trademarks:
Verint is a trademark of Verint Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries.
The Verint Systems Inc. products are protected by one or more U.S., European, or International Patents. For a list of patents, click here.
To request rights and permissions to use Verint copyrighted materials, contact