Engage 2024 Agenda

The Magic of CX Automation

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Solution Focus:
Industry Focus:

Getting Started with Bots, Today!

Verint Specialized Bots are designed to deliver AI business outcomes now. Like, right now. Whether you’re in the cloud or on-premises, have a lot of Verint products or are just starting out, you can add a bot to your ecosystem and start driving value immediately. In this session you’ll learn about Verint bots and how to get started. Choose your most pressing business issue and expand at the pace that works for you. There’s no need to wait!

Solution Focus

  • Al-Powered Bots
  • Verint Open Platform

    The Critical Need for an Open Platform


    Keith Dawson, Director of Research, Customer Experience at Ventana/ISG

    Jaime Meritt, Chief Product Officer at Verint

    You’ve heard that Verint Platform is open, but what does that really mean? And more importantly, why does it matter? Verint Open Platform delivers unmatched flexibility, modularity, and future-proofs your investment. In this session you’ll hear from leading industry analyst Keith Dawson, Director of Research, Customer Experience at Ventana/ISG, and Jaime Meritt, Chief Product Officer at Verint. You’ll learn about the importance of being open to help your team deliver AI business outcomes now, without needing a long, disruptive project. Keith and Dave will discuss real-world examples of how Verint’s open approach is completely unique and gives you the capabilities you need to reach your strategic objectives.

    Solution Focus

    • Executive Track
    • Verint Open Platform

      The Power of Behavioral Data

      Speaker: David Singer, GVP, GTM Strategy at Verint

      Data is your most valuable resource. Are you getting the most out it? Every time a customer engages with your brand, new behavioral data is created. You have an enormous amount of data about interactions, customer experience, and workforce performance, but it’s likely scattered in silos and difficult to access. Verint Open Platform brings this data together and gives it meaning, so your contact center can become an efficient, data-driven organization. In this session you’ll learn about the Verint’s unique approach to behavioral data, and how we drive value for your agents, supervisors, and bots.

      Solution Focus

      • Engagement Data
      • Executive Track
      • Verint Open Platform

        Not Just AI – AI Business Outcomes. Now.


        Blair Pleasant, President and Principal Analyst at COMMfusion

        Heather Richards, VP, Go-to-Market Strategy at Verint

        Daniel Ziv, VP, Go-to-Market Strategy at Verint

        Everyone is talking about AI these days. But simply adding more and more AI won’t help you achieve your goals. At Verint, we aren’t an AI company. We’re an AI outcomes company. Our AI-powered bots are designed to deliver specific, measurable ROI to help you reach your strategic goals. In this session, leading industry analyst Blair Pleasant, President & Principal Analyst, COMMfusion will share her insights and observations about how AI is transforming customer engagement. Through an interactive Q&A session, Blair will be joined by Heather Richards and Daniel Ziv, VPs of go-to-market strategy at Verint to share our unique approach to AI and how you can overcome common challenges to successfully see AI business outcomes.

        Solution Focus

        • Al-Powered Bots
        • Executive Track

          Introducing Verint 4.0: The CX Automation Company


          Dave Singer, GVP, GTM Strategy at Verint

          Jaime Meritt, Chief Product Officer at Verint

          Verint is the CX Automation Company. From our foundations in unstructured data and our leadership in creating the WFO category, Verint is constantly evolving – to stay ahead of the market with innovative capabilities that have a real impact on the way organizations do business. In this session we’ll share the story of our journey to this point leading up to the new Verint 4.0. This session will help you understand where we’ve been and why we are now uniquely positioned to deliver CX automation to our customers.

          Solution Focus

          • Executive Track
          • Verint Open Platform