Apple Messages for Business

Power seamless two-way customer conversations on Apple’s native Messages app.

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Apple Messages for Business offers unique opportunities for Digital-First Engagement

There are more than 1.5 billion monthly active Apple devices worldwide. Give iOS/Message users a seamless path to communicate with your brand via Apple Messages for Business, shifting volume from traditional channels like Phone to Apple Messages for Business.

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Reduce inbound calls with message suggest

Message Suggest provides brands with a powerful way to promote messaging as a channel while helping reduce inbound phone calls. When a customer clicks to contact a phone number registered with Apple Messages for Business the option to message the brand is dynamically presented alongside the click-to-call button.

Powerful and expansive with universal reach

Apple Messages for Business is more than just text messaging. With the Messages app/Messages on all iOS and macOS devices, it enables a rich user experience that leverages the power of iOS by bringing features like Apple Pay, Wallet cards, Maps, augmented reality, and more.

The 2023 State of Digital Customer Experience Report

Did you know that 80% of consumers are more likely to be repeat customers if they have an amazing experience on digital channels?

Get the full report containing 20+ market trends that will continue to impact CX in 2024.

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Interactive, immersive, and conversational

Apple’s Pickers feature delivers interactive menus within iMessages that come in two different formats: List and Time. List Pickers are perfect for showcasing your products or services, with an easily navigable list that reduces friction in the buying process. Time Pickers are a straightforward booking system, showing available times and dates that customers can choose for appointments or bookings which then add the event to their iOS calendar.

Secure Payment & Authentication

Keep customers in channel by making it easy to authenticate with Apple Authentication and to pay for goods and services with Apple Pay. Seamless integration into wallet allows customers to also manage boarding cards, tickets, and other passes in their wallet.

Your customers want to reach out on messaging channels, Apple Messages for Business enables digital-first engagement:

  • Safe and Secure

    From ID verification with Apple Authentication, to secure purchases through Apple Pay and keeping documents inside Apple Wallet, iOS devices offer a single place for conversations at all stages of a customer’s lifecycle.

Verint Messaging for Digital-First Engagement

  • Notify

    Proactively engage your customers with personalized conversations throughout the customer lifecycle.
  • Bots

    Create modern engagement experiences that drive acquisition, high engagement, and improved efficiency.
  • Facebook Messenger

    Engage quickly and easily with your customers via Messenger and the Messenger Chat Plugin.
  • WhatsApp Business

    Unlock the full potential of WhatsApp Business to exceed customer expectations.
  • Google's Business Messaging

    Turn Google searches into lasting customer relationships with Business Messages.
  • SMS Text Messaging

    Connect with billions of customers with two-way conversational messaging to build lasting customer relationships via native messaging.
  • Instagram Messages

    Engage current customers – and acquire new ones – by delivering instant two-way conversational customer experiences on Instagram.