Instagram Messages

Engage current customers ā€“ and acquire new ones ā€“ by delivering instant two-way conversational customer experiences.

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Instagram Messages offers unique opportunities for Digital-First Engagement

Instagram has more than 1bn monthly active users, and 90% of that audience follow a business. Meta recently found that 2/3 of people use Instagram to interact with brands, making it the ideal platform for relationship building through meaningful customer conversations.

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Man texting on phone

Quicker engagement, happier customers

Brands can now respond to Instagram DMs, story tags, and comments directly, providing seamless and convenient experiences for consumers. What’s more, Instagram Messages is packed with service-rich features. For example, Quick Replies present the customer with a set of buttons in the conversation for the user to reply with. Whereas Ice Breakers ā€” which appear when a customer interacts with your brand via messaging ā€” present to the customer a brand-defined menu of frequently asked questions. Both improve the customer experience and issue resolution time.

Drive commerce across the customer lifecycle

Facebook has packed Instagram with a host of sales and marketing capabilities. The most notable is Instagram Shop, a mobile-first shopping experience that allows businesses to easily create online and customizable storefronts on Instagram.

Checkouts on Instagram also allow businesses to sell their products directly. Consumers can purchase products that they discover securely and seamlessly using Facebook Pay, without leaving the app.

The 2023 State of Digital Customer Experience Report

Did you know that 80% of consumers are more likely to be repeat customers if they have an amazing experience on digital channels?

Get the full report containing 20+ market trends that will continue to impact CX in 2024.

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Unified conversational customer experiences

Unified Conversational Customer Experiences – The asynchronous nature of Instagram Messages means that conversations can pause and resume at the customers’ convenience. This enables brands to improve the customer experience with two-way brand-to-consumer communication that is effortless and unique throughout the customer lifecycle for sales, marketing, and customer service alike.

Your customers want to reach out on messaging channels, Instagram Messages enables digital-first engagement

  • Effortless Messaging

    Respond to DMs, tags, mentions, or story reactions directly on Instagram. Engage across the buyer journey with customers inspired by images, videos, and reels looking for meaningful conversations with their favorite brands.

    Woman texting on the go

Verint Messaging for Digital-First Engagement

  • Notify

    Proactively engage your customers with personalized conversations throughout the customer lifecycle.
  • Bots

    Create modern engagement experiences that drive acquisition, high engagement, and improved efficiency.
  • Facebook Messenger

    Engage quickly and easily with your customers via Messenger and the Messenger Chat Plugin.
  • WhatsApp Business

    Unlock the full potential of WhatsApp Business to exceed customer expectations.
  • Google's Business Messaging

    Turn Google searches into lasting customer relationships with Business Messages.
  • SMS Text Messaging

    Connect with billions of customers with two-way conversational messaging to build lasting customer relationships via native messaging.