Data Privacy and Regulatory Compliance
Transform your compliance operations and sustain compliance as you navigate through data privacy regulations, data security standards and internal processes.
Protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
The EU’s 2018 General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) has triggered data privacy initiatives worldwide. The UN Conference on Trade and Development estimates that 66% of the countries have data privacy regulations in place, while another 10% have laws that have been proposed but not yet enacted.
In this increasingly ambiguous regulatory space data privacy compliance can be a complex, resource-hungry challenge for your business. Read on to discover more about
- The nature of common data privacy requirements
- The challenge of answering regulatory and customer requests
- How to turn data privacy compliance into a competitive differentiator
Meeting Data Security Standards
Today, most organizations rely on increasing levels of customer data to help them engage with customers and provide personalized experiences. But, unregulated possession and use of customer information could leave individuals vulnerable to its misuse. In response, regulators are asserting customer rights creating data security standards across verticals.
Read on to discover more about compliance with industry-specific standards, such as HIPAA and PCI-DSS.
Promoting Process Adherence
Regulatory compliance is a resource-hungry task that can be a heavy burden for your business – both in terms of budget and headcount. Increasing efficiency and ensuring that your employees follow your established compliance procedures is critical for keeping up with the evolving data privacy regulations and establishing a sustainable culture of compliance.
Explore technologies that can help you