Branch Workforce Management and Customer Engagement

Bank and credit union branches are evolving into true customer engagement centers.

branch workforce management product screenshot

Drive sales and revenue growth, increase efficiency, and elevate branch CX.

  • 12 of the Top 15

    banks in the US and Canada use Verint Branch WFM software

  • 40,000+

    branches have been licensed to use Verint Branch WFM to optimize their workforce

  • 1.77 Million

    customers served by Verint Appointment Booking and Verint Queue Management

Make smarter decisions to improve branch customer engagement

Our customers

Reallocate staff to improve efficiencies

Featured branch solutions

  • Verint Workforce Management Branch Forecaster

    Analyze and predict branch demand and resource capacity with accurate forecasting.
  • Verint Workforce Management Branch Scheduler

    Put the right bankers in front of your branch customers at the right time and place
  • Branch Consulting Services

    Our bank branch experts can help you gain valuable business insights and unlock the potential of your branch workforce engagement solutions.
  • Verint Interaction Recording

    Capture face-to-face interactions between employees and customers, in an open plan environment or conference room to ensure compliance.
  • Verint Appointment & Queuing Software

    Drive foot traffic, increase conversion and retain walk-ins by making it easy to book appointments and create more informed waiting experiences
banker with clients

Adapt to new branch operating models

  • Covid-19 accelerated the use of branch staff to support digital channels. Now excess branch capacity can be used to support the phone, chat or email channels.  In addition, resources are more frequently being shared between branches in close proximity.

    One emerging branch operating model, Hub and Spoke, aligns smaller branches with limited services to a larger hub branch that’s full service.  Resources are shared and scheduled across this mini network to improve efficiencies and meet customer needs more effectively.

    Verint Branch Workforce Management enables the scheduling of resources across branches and lines of business to support both physical and digital channels.

    Read the American Banker Research Report: Evolving Bank Branch Operating Models Require New Approaches to Staffing

Branch WFM success stories