The Comprehensive Guide to Reducing Average Handle Time (AHT)

How to reduce average handle time

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Team of business people working in a call center on the phone.
Woman in office using tablet
Two men working at call center on computers

Featured Average Handle Time Resources

Featured Products to Reduce Average Handle Time

  • Knowledge Management

    Answer every question with confidence. Handle issues faster and more consistently without sacrificing quality.
  • Automated Quality Management

    Automate your quality process and gain deeper insight into all of your calls while managing compliance risk more effectively.
  • Employee Desktop

    Unify your customer data to simplify processes, reduce mistakes, and drive efficiency. Show the right information, right when it’s needed.
  • Performance Management

    Give employees and managers visibility into performance to help drive better service and deeper job satisfaction.
  • Robotic Process Automation

    Automate repetitive, rules-based tasks and provide guidance to employees in real-time to help increase productivity, reduce errors, and improve the customer experience.
  • Speech Analytics

    Automatically identify and analyze trends, themes, and the root causes driving customer interactions in your contact center.
  • Virtual Assistant

    Intelligent Virtual Assistants can improve productivity and increase workforce engagement.