Virgin Media O2 Reduces Walkout Rate by 62%

The leading telecommunications company improves store experience and increases customer retainment with Verint Queue Management.

Businesswoman talking on mobile phone


  • 62%

    Walkout reduction

  • 27%

    Greater floor efficiency

  • £29m/y

    Conversion opportunity

Virgin Media O2 logo
Luxury retail shopper with an orange bag and a phone


The improved shop floor operations and the footfall insights that Verint provides enabled Virgin Media O2 to better allocate their resources, which ultimately saves them significant costs. Staff transaction time has dropped by 27 percent, with Verint ensuring that more positive and productive conversations take place in less time. Providing the shop floor team with more time allows them to serve more customers and undertake more tasks.

Thanks to the improved waiting experience and better customer service, Virgin Media O2’s net promoter scores (NPS) reached an all-time high since deploying Verint Queue Management software. Having an improved waiting experience ensures Virgin Media O2 isn’t just retaining customers but also capturing those walking out of their competitors’ stores.

Virgin Media O2’s head office now has access to invaluable business intelligence analytics on their stores’ footfall, performance, and operations, helping them to make smarter commercial decisions, and thus improve sales and efficiency across their entire store network. The data analytics and insights gained from Verint has helped Virgin Media O2 save £200,000 a year, which would otherwise have been spent on mystery shoppers and surveys. These insights can be used internally or provided to consultants to make faster and more meaningful changes across their business.

The improved in-store atmosphere and team collaboration has reduced stress and improved store team morale, increasing employee retention. This greatly reduced Virgin Media O2’s spend on recruiting and training for new employees.

*The solution referred to as Verint Queue Management was called Qudini Walk-in Virtual Queuing when originally purchased, prior to acquisition by Verint. 

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  • Queue Management

    Manage customer wait-time expectations and deliver better customer service with our highly configurable, digital queue management software solution.

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