Verint Knowledge Management Helps Elevate CX and Improve Operational Efficiency
A Single Source of Truth
Verint Knowledge Management integrates seamlessly across your business operations, powering self-service, contact center efficiency, and ensuring consistency across the hybrid workforce.
Increase Agent Capacity
Use Verint Knowledge Management with any agent desktop environment, delivering your agents the right answers at the right time through AI-powered search to reduce average handle time.
Improve IVA Containment
Accelerate the creation of smarter Intelligent Virtual Assistants by aprovechar accurate knowledge from a single source of truth.
Deliver Knowledge Management AI Outcomes
Revolucionario Knowledge Management impulsado por IA
Make knowledge discovery easy with a revolutionary AI-powered approach that increases agent capacity and drives business outcomes.
- Removes the need for multiples searches with a single search bar across all knowledge sources.
- Uses Generative AI to summarize results, curated for the contact center, to make answers easy for agents to consume.
- Improves agent efficiency with high quality answers that reduce call duration by one minute.
Automatice la creación de contenido con Knowledge Creation Bot
Leverage the power of artificial intelligence to identify knowledge gaps and use generative technology to create knowledge assets with the touch of a button.
The AI-powered Knowledge Creation Bot enables your employees and Intelligent Virtual Assistants to benefit from a more complete, accurate, and useful knowledge base – helping to reduce average handle time, increase first contact resolution, and improve CSAT scores.
Habilite una experiencia de cliente fluida con Knowledge Suggestion Bot
To provide seamless customer service, agents need the right information at their fingertips. The Knowledge Suggestion Bot does just that. It provides agents with context-specific knowledge in real-time, just when they need it.
Armed with the right information, agents are able to reduce average handle time, increase first call resolutions, and improve CSAT scores.
Halfords apuesta por la prestación de servicios sin obstáculos

"Nuestro objetivo era inspirar a los clientes con una oferta diferenciada y superespecializada. Al reorganizar lo que sabemos de los clientes, podemos ayudar a los consumidores con una oferta de servicios integrada, única y más atractiva".
Power Great Customer Experiences with Verint Knowledge Management
Provide Faster Customer Service with Contextual Information
Your products and processes frequently change, and the amount of information housed within your organization grows daily. Verint Knowledge Management uses context from customer history to personalize results, resulting in the right knowledge appearing with little to no searching.

Remove Employee Burden with Automated Content Curation
El nuevo contenido se analiza y optimiza automáticamente para la búsqueda, eliminando la carga del etiquetado y vinculación manual. Esto asegura que su personal tenga el conocimiento contextual que necesita, independientemente del canal, para responder preguntas rápidamente, ayudando a abordar las complejas expectativas actuales del servicio al cliente omnicanal.

Reduce Inbound Volume by Enabling Customer Self-Service
Provide knowledge through configurable web self-service, intelligent virtual assistants, and social community applications to help drive online customer satisfaction and reduce call center contacts. Verint Knowledge Management uses proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) to create a more automated, natural and effective way to connect people to answers.

A Proven Solution That Works at Enterprise Scale
Benefíciese de una solución probada e implantada en algunas de las organizaciones más grandes y complejas, que abarca más idiomas, cientos de miles de contenidos y un uso corporativo.

Guía del Comprador de ISG Research: Knowledge Management
La aparición de la IA como herramienta para mejorar la eficiencia del servicio al cliente ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de que las empresas se replanteen cómo crean, gestionan y comparten los conocimientos que poseen.
Para lograr más información sobre los criterios de compra y saber por qué Verint Knowledge Management™ ha sido considerada líder del mercado, puede leer el documento Guía del Comprador de Knowledge Management de ISG Research™.
Leer el informe
Casos de uso de Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management for Your Agents
Your contact center agents field an unending stream of complex questions every day. Why not improve your knowledge delivery and make it easy for them to find the right answers?
With the right knowledge management tools, your agents can:
- Encuentrar información actualizada utilizando un lenguaje cotidiano.
- Ver el conocimiento relevante sin siquiera tener que buscarlo
- Seguir árboles de decisión guiados para solucionar problemas complejos.
- Reducir el tiempo promedio de atención mientras se mejora la satisfacción del cliente.
Knowledge Management for Your Customers
El autoservicio es ahora la primera línea de defensa para su organización de servicio al cliente y debe ser tratado como una prioridad máxima.
Modern knowledge management for self-service can help you:
- Proporcionar una experiencia superior al cliente a un menor costo.
- Ofrezcer a los clientes una forma rápida y sencilla de obtener ayuda.
- Comprender lo que buscan los clientes sin necesidad de coincidir exactamente con las palabras clave.
Knowledge Management for Compliance Challenges
Los requisitos de cumplimiento normativo actuales son demasiado numerosos y complejos para que los agentes memoricen toda la información que necesitan para poder cumplir con la normativa.
With the right automated knowledge management processes, they don’t have to. With Verint Knowledge Management, you can:
- Crear un repositorio compartido de políticas y procedimientos para ayudar a garantizar respuestas consistentes a las preguntas de los clientes.
- Presentar el conocimiento requerido y la creación de scripts automáticamente durante procesos específicos.
- Guíar a los agentes paso a paso a través de procedimientos complejos, para que se sigan todos los pasos rnecesarios.
Lea la Guía Completa de Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management Resources
Preguntas frecuentes sobre plataformas de Knowledge Management
Un sistema de knowledge management o gestión del conocimiento (KMS) es un tipo de sistema de información que almacena, analiza y difunde conocimiento dentro de una organización. Un KMS ayuda a una organización a capturar, organizar y compartir conocimiento para que pueda ser utilizado de manera más efectiva.
Existen muchos tipos diferentes de sistemas de gestión del conocimiento, que van desde simples sistemas de gestión de documentos hasta complejos sistemas basados en inteligencia artificial.
Las organizaciones de hoy se enfrentan a una cantidad cada vez mayor de datos e información, lo que puede resultar abrumador y difícil de gestionar. Los sistemas de Knowledge Management ayudan a las organizaciones a ser más eficaces al identificar rápidamente nuevos conocimientos y expandir la inteligencia a través de regiones y ubicaciones, para apoyar a la fuerza laboral distribuida.
Traditional knowledge management relies on manual updates and keyword-based searches, which can be slow and inconsistent. AI-driven solutions automate content curation, use generative AI to summarize results, and provide intelligent recommendations. This ensures employees and customers get accurate, real-time information without searching through multiple sources.
Seamless integration across contact centers, self-service portals, and intelligent virtual assistants ensures consistent and accurate knowledge delivery across all customer touchpoints. This approach enables customers to find answers quickly, regardless of how they engage with a business.
Modern knowledge management tools are essential for managing organizational knowledge effectively. They utilize AI and natural language processing to identify and bridge knowledge gaps, handle unstructured data, and ensure data quality. These tools also support knowledge sharing and proveer actionable insights, making it easier to manage and leverage knowledge assets within an organization.
AI plays a crucial role in enhancing knowledge management strategies by improving search capabilities and delivering relevant insights. Machine learning algorithms analyze user behavior and user intent to provide personalized knowledge delivery. AI also aids in ethical and compliance monitoring, ensuring that knowledge management practices are both efficient and compliant with regulations.
Transforming knowledge management processes can significantly benefit organizations by redefining how knowledge is discovered, shared, and utilized. By integrating AI and machine learning, organizations can gain deeper insights into their data, improve data management, and enhance overall knowledge delivery. This transformation leads to more effective management of knowledge assets and supports the continuous improvement of knowledge management strategies.
Yes, by streamlining agent workflows, improving self-service options, and automating knowledge discovery, businesses can reduce operational costs. Call deflection, fewer escalations, and optimized agent productivity lead to significant savings while improving service quality.