AI-Powered Routing

Verint’s AI-powered routing uses contextual data to intelligently distribute interactions to the right resource at the right time, regardless of channel.

Deliver AI outcomes now with AI-powered routing

  • Personalize Every Connection

    Verint AI-powered routing leverages contextual data to determine the right agent or bot to handle a conversation. It predicts the resource most suited to deliver the best customer experience and routes the interaction accordingly.

  • Exceed Your KPIs

    Outperform your key performance metrics with ease. Verint AI-powered routing is informed by both historical and real-time engagement data – so customer inquiries are handled with context – helping to improve your major KPIs.

  • Bring Your Own Channels

    In addition to routing digital interactions, Verint’s bring-your-own-telephony approach allows customers to benefit from the same routing intelligence over voice channels, regardless of the provider for call delivery.

Build a unified workforce empowered with context 

Verint brings a modern approach to routing that focuses on the nature of the conversation, not the channel. Rather than working in channel silos, agents are scheduled flexibly – taking subject matter, skills and availability into consideration – helping to ensure the best outcome for the customer, regardless of channel. 

A single agent can seamlessly move from handling phone calls, emails, chats, and more based on interaction volume and other factors. When an interaction is routed to an agent, the associated context is included. This means the agent immediately sees all the relevant details about the current and previous interactions and can continue the conversation where it left off, reducing handle time.

Power great experiences on voice, digital and social messaging channels 

Verint’s Open CCaaS platform includes powerful AI capabilities that harness back-end data to gain full contextual understanding of customer intents. This information feeds into routing decisions to ensure the right agent at the right time, regardless of channel, is engaged.  

AI-powered routing takes numerous factors into consideration for routing, prioritization, and queuing, such as: 

  • Real-time interaction data including AI intent detection 
  • Customer record and interaction history  
  • Forecasted agent workload 
  • Agent schedule, skills, and availability 
Learn more about Verint Open CCaaS 

Integrate your existing telephony infrastructure seamlessly

In the fast-evolving landscape of digital customer engagement, legacy systems can be a major roadblock. The key to overcoming this challenge is adopting an open platform that enables you to bring your own channels and can seamlessly integrate with your existing telephony system. For organizations that want to avoid the disruption of migrating their telephony systems, Verint embraces an open approach.  

The result? You can retain your current telephony setup and your organization gains the freedom to focus on business applications that genuinely impact customer satisfaction. Our open architecture makes it easy to integrate a range of digital channels and solutions to power the omnichannel experiences that customers deserve (and demand).

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Unlock the power of Verint's Open Ecosystem 

Verint’s Open CCaaS platform is designed for customers who expect quick, effortless experiences delivered on the channel of their choice. Passing conversations to domain-specific bots, switching channels, offering a callback or even setting up an in-person appointment may provide the best customer experience. All of these routing options, and more, can be set up with Verint’s Open CCaaS platform.  

Verint Digital Engagement Solutions

  • Verint Conversational AI

    Harnesses conversational AI and a low-code approach to scale customer conversations across all your engagement channels – from voice to digital – for immediate ROI.
  • Verint Channel Automation

    Unify customer interactions across channels in a single-pane agent experience to power consistent conversations, leverage automation, and deploy staff flexibly all with fewer resources and less effort.
  • Verint Messaging

    Connect with billions of customers with two-way conversational messaging to build lasting customer relationships.
  • Verint IVR

    Elevate customer experience and improve operational efficiency with the leader in enterprise self-service solutions for your customers and employees.
  • Verint Community

    Empower customers, partners and employees with a flexible, customizable community and self-service tools that can drive real business value: better engagement, lower support costs and higher sales.

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