Verint Desktop and Process Analytics has helped Continuum’s leadership identify and address the root cause of productivity problems, enabling the company to boost agent capacity and further empower its remote agent workforce. “With Verint Desktop and Process Analytics and, in particular, Verint Application Triggers, we can offer agents real-time reminders, which is particularly important for remote workers who don’t have a supervisor nearby to ensure they are following the right prescriptive actions,” Carbonnell notes.
Verint also helped Continuum implement an agent “outlier” management process through a dashboard. The process identifies agents whose idle time might be higher than expected. Merging idle time and adherence metrics provided leadership with valuable insight into productivity and alignment for improved forecasting and scheduling.
Continuum also implemented real-time notifications for supervisors, alerting them when agents might be idle while waiting for contacts. This process has not only complemented, but heightened, coaching and management of remote teams.
“If the supervisor notification shows that an agent is idle, the manager can use that for ad hoc coaching, or to send a note or call of encouragement to let the agent know their work with the company is valued,” Carbonnell explains. “Such supervisor-agent communication is very important for remote workers who can feel isolated due to the nature of the remote work environment. We know exactly how our agents are spending their time and are empowering supervisors with critical insights to help them coach agents to be more productive.”
*Note: Verint Quality Bots were formerly known as Verint Automated Quality Management.
**NoteVerint Coaching Bots were formerly known as Real-time Agent Assist.