Tryg Boosts High-Performance Customer Culture with Verint Speech Analytics
Tryg is one of the largest non-life insurance companies in the Nordic region.

The results
Increases agent productivity
Ensures every customer receives a consistently rewarding experience
Enhances agent experience and satisfaction
About Tryg

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Identify behaviors that drive the perfect experience with Verint Speech Analytics

Verint Speech Analytics helps drive improved sales performance
Benefits Crucially, Verint Speech Analytics helps Tryg Privat drive improved sales performance. “By analyzing top performing employees in terms of sales, we gain insight into what makes them stand out,” says Ditte Gjørup Larsen. “What interpersonal skills do they have and what behaviors are they using that help them drive more revenue?” Furthermore, Tryg Privat can measure how often a specific insurance product is mentioned by agents in customer conversations. With this insight and subsequent coaching to address gaps and shortfalls, the company increased the promotion of health insurance products by 37 percent in one year.
This data is funnelled into improved coaching and continuous improvement programs. For instance, Tryg Privat has a “go high” program for employees demonstrating certain potential. Additionally, exceptional achievers are offered “high performance” insight and training to help them accelerate to the next level and keep them motivated. Over time, the broader team sees how peers receiving the special training are progressing. At the same time, it enables them to explore their performance against each other in certain categories. As a result of these programs and efforts, Tryg Privat increased the number of insurance sales in its claims department by 6.4 percent.
“Using Verint Speech Analytics, we can truly understand which employees have high development potential when it comes to being more empathetic and more understanding during the customer conversation,” declares Ditte Gjørup Larsen. “Moreover, we can see where employees had positive developments in their uncertainty in conversations, with a reduction in the number of subsequent referrals.”