Communications Profiling

Benefit from cutting-edge speech recognition and transcription capabilities, voice analytics, and best-in-class communications surveillance features. All powered by artificial intelligence and pre-trained for the financial markets.

The danger of multi-modal communications

With the evolution of communication, voice interactions now happen across modalities that go beyond traditional voice channels. Dealerboards, mobiles, UC tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, and video conversations all complicate the capture of spoken interactions. All these separate — and evolving — tools and platforms collect and store different data which can easily become siloed and hard to leverage.

To be able to compliantly capture all interactions across your organization and align this abundance of data, you need a state-of-the-art, unified capture solution.

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Voice has become non-binary

In addition to becoming omnichannel and increasingly digital, communications has undergone other fundamental changes as well. For a long time, the focus used to be around the “trade” a one-to-one conversation. Due to increased regulation, however, conference calls and persistent interactions — that is the linkage of communications between parties over a period of time — have become increasingly prevalent. This is what we call non-binary communications.

All these changes in voice interactions and compliance surveillance are posing increasing challenges to financial firms. But these challenges can no longer be overcome by implementing a great capturing tool only.

You need a comprehensive compliance solution that can help you ensure full adherence across your organization — and identify misconduct if necessary.

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The language complexity

In addition, there’s also the aspect of domain-specific languages. The financial sector has always been notorious for its distinctive, special ‘dialect’, which makes turning captured voice interactions into actionable insights all the more difficult.

And in an industry where non-compliance is sanctioned with billions of dollars in fines every year, regular compliance tools just aren’t enough. The solution you choose needs to be prepared to understand ‘trading floor talk’, otherwise mistakes or instances of misconduct can slip through the cracks. And they can cost you.

Unmatched speech recognition and transcription capabilities

Turning voice conversations into actionable information starts with best-in-class speech recognition and transcription. Verint Financial compliance can identify over 30 languages and transcribe the conversation while automatically switching between the languages.

Although the solution comes pre-trained for the special language of the trading floor with high levels of accuracy, it can easily be further tuned to better understand any company’s own specific terms and lingo quickly and easily.

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Smart visualization and AI help the review process

The captured conversation is visualized in a navigable soundwave form, complete with the transcription, alert terms, and key topics identified within the conversation.

What’s more, Verint Financial Compliance also leverages AI to generate a concise summary of the conversation to help make the review process faster and more efficient.

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Reduce the potential of conduct risk with identity and sentiment insights

Maintaining full compliance with applicable regulations is vital, but it’s also becoming increasingly complex. However, smart data insight capabilities can help you navigate this daunting task with confidence.

Our Identity feature uses anonymized biometric techniques to identify speakers and securely store their data in a database for future reference. This can help detect and link possible cases of misconduct, such as unknown parties communicating through multiple channels, on conference calls or unauthorized use of turrets.

The solution can also identify positive and negative experiences and trends of each speaker in the conversation and map the changes in sentiment to the individual topics.

Gain a holistic, single-pain-of-glass view of your communications landscape

With Verint Financial Compliance, you get all these communications profiling and data insight capabilities in one place. You’ll be able to manage the entire workflow on an intuitive interface, which gives you a holistic, single-pane-of-glass view of all communications, including those from external resources.

This helps compliance officers gain a better understanding of each interaction and detect possible breaches of compliance more efficiently.

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Key features

  • Automatic speech recognition and diarization

    Verint Financial Compliance converts voice interactions captured on any tool and platform into transcribed text automatically. The solution can identify the number of speakers in a conversation and anonymously segment the transcript according to speaker identity.

  • Domain language training and model building

    The language models can be tuned to better understand any company’s specific language through adding domain reference data such as chat, email, acronyms, or free text to the quick train process. The speech engine will use this data to better understand and more accurately transcribe domain-specific language, terms, lingo, and slang.

  • Automatic language detection

    The solution can identify more than 30 languages within an individual audio file and automatically transcribe in either the dominant language or multiple languages, depending on how it’s been configured.

  • Jumpto™ Topics

    Verint Financial Compliance can automatically identify key topics within a conversation, providing a brief summary of what’s been said in a quickly and easily navigable way.

  • Identity

    Thanks to the biometric techniques of our Identity feature, anonymized speaker identities can be stored and searched in a secure database. This can help detect and link unknown parties through multiple channels, on conference calls or unauthorized use of turrets.

  • SmartTranscript™

    Verint Financial Compliance creates a navigable soundwave visualization of the audio file, complete with alert terms and to help make the audio review process faster and more efficient.

  • Sentiment

    The solution can identify positive and negative experiences on both the agent and customer sides of the call, as well as the changes in sentiment across the interaction. The sentiments are also mapped to the topics to provide further insights.

  • Summarization

    Using generative AI, Verint Financial Compliance automatically creates a brief and precise summary of each conversation to further support the interaction review process.

Winner of the most innovative regulatory compliance monitoring category at A-Team Innovation Awards 2023

Boasting multiple first-of-its-kind capabilities such as capturing persistent chats and conditional recording in Microsoft Teams, Verint Financial Compliance has always been a product driven by innovation.

We’re happy to be recognized for our efforts and proud to serve the financial industry by providing robust quality and compliance solutions in this digital age.

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