AI Outcomes, Now!

Leveraging the power of AI across your organization enables you to do more with less and simultaneously elevate the customer experience.

This report focuses on the success seen by companies using AI to elevate their CX delivery. It demonstrates that CX leaders using multiple AI-powered solutions are reaping the benefits of the technology.

Discover how to plot your own journey to delivering genuine ROI by increasing CX automation throughout your organization.

contact center agent with a headset talks to a customer

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Companies Are Expanding the Scope of AI

Organizations are just testing the waters of AI’s capabilities. They’re all in.

73% are using AI to power between four and six contact center solutions, and that number is only going in one direction.

The range of AI-powered solutions will likely increase beyond 2024: 64% of surveyed companies are planning to integrate the technology for seven to nine use cases.

92% of business leaders plan to maintain or increase AI spending by the end of 2024.

Organizations recognize improvements in key areas and expect to invest more to further elevate CX and increase efficiency.

Achieving AI Outcomes

Virtually every organization leveraging AI in their contact center is seeing successes in key areas.

  1. 92% are effectively reducing average handling times through customer self-service.
  2. 92% use effective channel automation to ensure customer queries get to the right agent at the right.
  3. 91% accurately transcribe interactions from across every customer touchpoint.

Plotting Your Path to AI Outcomes

Verint’s research identified the huge benefits of leveraging AI—and the steps you need to take to achieve CX automation.

  • A more open approach to AI, data, and ecosystems
  • Unified data available to agents, managers, and analysts
  • Faster AI innovation to future-proof your operation
group of verint bots

Organizations are achieving significant AI outcomes and providing their workforce with extra capacity to help them thrive in their roles.

  • 95%

    Have improved their delivery of customer experiences.

  • 91%

    Successfully increased operational efficiencies.

  • 89%

    Effectively augmented their human workforce with AI capabilities.

Verint Open Platform offers the freedom to choose the right path for your contact center now and in the future—enabling you to elevate CX while evolving at your own pace.

Speak to one of our experts and start your journey to delivering positive AI business outcomes.

Businesswoman talking on mobile phone