Harnessing CX Automation for Elevated Experiences: Excellence on Repeat

Contact centers typically operate at the extreme edge of capacity, balancing customer expectations against the imperative to control costs. Bridging this capacity gap has historically proven elusive for operations teams. The solution: CX automation. 

To efficiently enhance the customer experience (CX), contact centers need to automate—and quickly. For the first time, extensive automation is achievable without wholesale disruption. AI makes it possible to create consistent, reliably excellent customer experiences. 

Read the latest Ventana Research, now part of ISG, white paper to understand how augmenting human agents and workflows with AI will drive better business outcomes in the contact center and beyond. 

Read the Ventana Research White Paper

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AI Improves Customer Experiences

Interactions have become more complex, thanks to myriad consumer channel choices that make it harder to design processes. Similar requests can take vastly different pathways and are often entwined with multiple requests or inquiries in a single interaction. 

However, self-service has improved, adding a positive level of automation to the front end of many customer interactions. Delivering personalized self-service experiences through conversational AI – over any digital or voice channel – to effectively contain customer inquiries and reduce agent workload is no longer a thing of the past. 

Today’s automation needs AI, and the most effective route to AI is an open platform approach continuously trained on behavioral data.

An open platform offers a high degree of customization, expansive integration capabilities and access to application programming interfaces. This creates a flexible environment where AI is used to solve the most pressing problems. It also allows the choice of preferred applications rather than forcing a disruptive, wholesale tech transformation, making downstream changes in applications more tolerable.

Openness means flexibility, choice and customization – it improves the contact center of today and future proofs it for tomorrow.

Verint solutions are designed to be at the forefront of innovation in many fields, including full lifecycle CX, feedback and the omnichannel customer experience.

Find Out More About the Verint Open CCaaS Platform