Verint SMS Disclaimer

By participating in Verint’s text messaging (SMS) program, you consent to receiving one message per survey. You will not be enrolled in any recurring text message program or text message “mailing list”.

Verint uses SMS to deploy surveys on behalf of its clients. If you have received a text message from Verint, you either opted in to receive a specific Verint survey, or you gave a Verint client permission to solicit your feedback.

Your mobile number is collected by Verint only for the one-time specific use for which it is solicited, typically to send you a survey on behalf of a client. If you text STOP, END, QUIT, CANCEL, or UNSUBSCRIBE in reply to <68808>, Verint will not text another survey to you unless/until you (1) expressly opt in to receiving that particular survey, or (2) give another Verint client permission to solicit your feedback.

Verint is committed to protecting the privacy of consumers and their data. For more information you can view our privacy policy online. For the SMS program, Verint may store your mobile number for up to 30 days solely for the purposes of redeploying a survey that encountered an error in the initial deployment.

For Help you can send HELP in reply to < 68808> or contact us at as well as 877 224 9282. Message and data rates may apply. Your wireless carrier’s standard messaging rates apply to SMS correspondence. Downloadable content may incur additional charges from your wireless carrier. Please contact your wireless carrier for information about charges in your plan. Carriers are not responsible for delayed or undelivered messages.