Multinational Insurance Company Supports Flexible Working with Verint TimeFlex Bot
By enabling contact center agents to easily make changes to their schedules, the leading insurer dramatically decreased absenteeism and attrition.

- 30%
Decreased attrition by 30%.
- 23%
Reduced absenteeism by 23%.
- 17x
Achieved a 17x return on investment.
About the Multinational Insurance Company

Opportunity: A flexible workplace is key for attracting and retaining the best talent

Solution: Small shift changes can make big differences to agents’ lives
The leading general insurer implemented Verint TimeFlex Bot to support and enhance flexible scheduling in its contact centers. With Verint TimeFlex Bot, the insurer transformed what had been a manual process into a flexible, digital, and automated experience that makes life easier for managers and employees.
The best-of-breed Verint TimeFlex Bot uses a proprietary AI model to calculate the schedule “value” for every 15-minute interval based on demand and agent availability. This value is represented as “FlexCoins,” which the agents can earn and spend based on changes to the schedule. The model also ensures the sum of all changes has an overall positive impact on schedule quality. Consequentially, contact center agents are empowered to make unlimited changes to their shifts on their own, without seeking manager or workforce planning approval, assuming they maintain a positive FlexCoin value.
“We’ve seen many employees making small changes that can make a big difference to their lives,” says a group executive at the insurance company. “For example, one agent changed their shift by just 15 minutes so they could leave work a bit earlier. This enabled the employee to avoid traffic and, most important, make it home in time for after-school pickup.”