Verint Knowledge Management Helps Elevate CX and Improve Operational Efficiency

  • A Single Source of Truth

    Verint Knowledge Management integrates seamlessly across your business operations, powering self-service, contact center efficiency, and ensuring consistency across the hybrid workforce. 

  • Increase Agent Capacity

    Use Verint Knowledge Management with any agent desktop environment, delivering your agents the right answers at the right time through AI-powered search to reduce average handle time.

  • Improve IVA Containment

    Accelerate the creation of smarter Intelligent Virtual Assistants by leveraging accurate knowledge from a single source of truth. 

Deliver Knowledge Management AI Outcomes

  • 革命性的AI驱动 Knowledge Management

    Make knowledge discovery easy with a revolutionary AI-powered approach that increases agent capacity and drives business outcomes. 

    • Removes the need for multiples searches with a single search bar across all knowledge sources.
    • Uses Generative AI to summarize results, curated for the contact center, to make answers easy for agents to consume.
    • Improves agent efficiency with high quality answers that reduce call duration by one minute.

    knowledge automation bot

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Power Great Customer Experiences with Verint Knowledge Management

Provide Faster Customer Service with Contextual Information

Your products and processes frequently change, and the amount of information housed within your organization grows daily. Verint Knowledge Management uses context from customer history to personalize results, resulting in the right knowledge appearing with little to no searching. 

knowledge management knowledge base product screen

Remove Employee Burden with Automated Content Curation


Reduce Inbound Volume by Enabling Customer Self-Service

Provide knowledge through configurable web self-service, intelligent virtual assistants, and social community applications to help drive online customer satisfaction and reduce call center contacts. Verint Knowledge Management uses proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) to create a more automated, natural and effective way to connect people to answers.

A Proven Solution That Works at Enterprise Scale


ISG研究:Knowledge Management购买指南


要更好地了解购买标准,并了解为什么Verint Knowledge Management™被评为市场领导者,请立即阅读ISG Research™Knowledge Management Buyers Guide 。.

knowledge management buyers guide thumbnail

Knowledge Management 用例

  • Knowledge Management for Your Agents

    Your contact center agents field an unending stream of complex questions every day. Why not improve your knowledge delivery and make it easy for them to find the right answers?

    With the right knowledge management tools, your agents can:

    • 使用日常语言查找最新信息。
    • 查看相关知识,无需搜索。
    • 遵循指导决策树来排查复杂问题。
    • 降低平均处理时间,同时提高客户满意度。

Knowledge Management Resources

常见问题解答:Knowledge Management 平台

Knowledge Management 系统(KMS)是一种信息系统,用于在组织内部存储、分析和传播知识。KMS帮助组织捕捉、组织和共享知识,以便更有效地使用这些知识。

有许多不同类型的Knowledge Management 系统,从简单的文档管理系统到复杂的基于人工智能的系统。